Currently, NEO is in the Innovators and Early Adopters phase. However, we expect NEO to enter the Early Majority and Late Majority phases in the future, followed by the Laggards phase.

During each phase, there will be different types of users who adopt the technology at different times in its life cycle. If you are someone who typically adopts innovations early on, the right time to join NEO Circle is now. However, if you tend to adopt innovations late, it may be best to wait until the Early Majority or Late Majority phase.

However, it's important to avoid waiting too long and not entering the Laggards phase, as by this phase, the value of the innovation may have already been fully realized.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page (and/or video) is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or financial advice. It is important for each individual to conduct their own research and verify the accuracy of the information. It is recommended to consult with your financial advisor before making any investment. My NEO Group or any other brand or company associated with NEO is only an external provider to NEO DAO, which is managed and owned by NEO DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) and does not guarantee any results and disclaims any liability.

Last updated